
Charity auction

LI Bing-bing in Shanghai to attend the "2008 Eastern entrepreneurs 100 listed private enterprises and charitable Person of the Year Awards Banquet" activity, on-site and to read out the proposal charitable donation for charity auction Montblanc pen, will be donated to UNICEF donations.

Star to do in recent years seems to be a wave of charity, for charity has its own understanding of LI Bing-bing, "Any person who is a good thing to do charity, debut 11 years I have learned much, and now just want to seriously make their own, not someone else to do my charity on the back to do follow, and indeed are in the process of helping others realize that a lot of happiness. "The day before yesterday at Bing-Bing Li," Lightning stars touching "program draw up their own collection to the auction, it is" Kung Fu King "director by Rob Minkoff draw its own significance, Bing-Bing Li said after the auction of the short story, "I sincerely hope that this pair of really very reluctant to draw, but a gesture of good faith in order to come out or donated, then get 20,227, A business home twice the money to buy the painting under, then let me quite touching, and today he called me with the record company said the staff can see that I like, so can I give back to draw again. "

For charity on the future plans, LI Bing-bing also frankly admitted that their own has just started, there is a lot of things need to go find out, there is one thing is sure, it is "continuing care required, rather than follow the trend."

Secondhand shops are lattice

  • Rent between the front wall separated into countless Lattice
  • Things to help you sell, the profit you earn my rent

Business, and do not necessarily need to own the store, do not need to go on a flower market to buy merchandise, then sold to secondary market spreads earned. Luoxi boss is to do: he rented a window in the wall into a Lattice separated, and then, hanging signs: things you want to keep here to help you sell things, earn a No, the boss was only one dollar every day of the lattice the minimum rent, which is legendary Shop lattice. Last (7) day, reporters outside at Sichuan Normal University, "chattered housing," Shop to see the charm of the lattice.


Fill the lattice characteristics of goods

From the appearance point of view, housing and other shops chattered little difference. However, it will go into that store shelves traditional, variety of goods are placed on the wall yard box. Grid goods yard as well as a variety of features, from the cartoon wooden furnishings, lighters, small jewelry, and personalized souvenirs full, almost none of the goods yard grid are repetitive. And the price of merchandise is also relatively cheap, generally a few dollars to tens of dollars range.

"The turnover of shops in the day there is around 2,000 yuan." Luoxi owner said, "However, my boss is not here, the boss is the owner of these lattices." Lattice and each original owner of the goods, that is, the tenants lattice , and it is these lattice Luoxi "Great Explorer", is responsible for sales give you the boss, "my product is that these lattices."


Lattice Shop from Japan

Introduction Luoxi , After graduating from college, he graduated tour guides Travel Agency at work, often to Hong Kong and other places, they accidentally come into contact with the lattice Shop. He said that this form of secondhand from Japan, Hong Kong soon after the introduction of Hong Kong business models emerging. "Popular among young people welcome." So, just out of the campus will be holding try Luoxi attitude, near his alma mater at the opening of such a lattice Shop.

Turning to the vicinity of the reasons for the University of selection, Luoxi said the university is a place inhabited by young people, and the trend will not pass. In addition, the students do not have too much money, but also do not have much time, so this is just a small secondhand in line with the tastes of college students.


Only a monthly income of thousands of rent

Shop Luoxi First appearance of the lattice, it immediately attracted a large number of students. "A week before the opening, on the whole lattice rent out." In recent days, many students have to ask, that the lattice has been rent after contact on the left, in the hope that a someone to retain the tenants terminated their sites. In addition, there are many online stores are also rented Luoxi lattice of the store to display merchandise.

"Lattice of different sizes because of the location and rent are also different." Luoxi said that more than 20 square meters of shops, a total of 80 small squares. These lattice from top to bottom, a total of 7 layers, the best location between the two tiers, the highest rent. Rent from 5 to 8 per day per day, whereas window or a corner next to the lattice, the rent per day in 1 to 3 per day range. Only a rental, there is 200 per day LuoXi earnings, revenue is a few thousand dollars a month.


Conversion tricky business thinking

Provincial Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Chen Wuyuan economists said that this is a conversion of the business model of thinking. Chen Yuan said that hosting businesses operating in the guise to achieve management objectives, on the one hand to reduce pressure on the investment, but also to obtain the same result as the operating entity. However, investors in the operation of such business, pay attention to the choice of place of business, as well as the appropriate information, pricing and planning to do a good job. Otherwise, the same will fail.

Crisis grab business opportunities in second-hand boutiques

Luxury fashion and leather bags are their favorite white-collar workers, but the financial crisis, not everyone has such a purse drum. Today, the emergence of second-hand boutiques quietly in Beijing, the gaze of the white-collar workers who prefer luxury, it is a thriving business.

Recently, a new International Trade at a shop on the shelves of Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, HERMES, GUC-CI, PRADA, Dior handbags and other brand-name fashion and are really second-hand goods, generally at 7, into a new above, and this store is to provide fashion and accessories brand maintenance and second-hand secondhand Service.

Staff said that the current opening less than a month, business was good, second-hand package significantly better than selling second-hand fashion. The owner opened the shop, are optimistic about the luxury market, Beijing has become increasingly sophisticated, brand-name fashion to regular replacement, the concept of brand-name package to bring the capital. Since the white-collar workers, the economy downturn, fashion brand, brand name bag is still irresistible charm.

Miss Bai Lingli idle on the CD with their own bags, the price is 200 yuan, up add a thousand dollars, buy a bus at the shop of the classic little jacket Baoli. "Want to keep a beloved fashion good money a few months, but will be replaced several times not to wear, and not such as to reduce waste, buy a second-hand, it shall not only a lot of classic clothing, also the value of this collection. "Miss Li said.

It is reported that in Hong Kong, Milan Station, Paris stations to sell second-hand store on the package and a well-known brand name, are a lot of shopping in Hong Kong to the tribe must have the place to go. These stores depreciation in accordance with the degree of brand-name package pricing, the original ten thousand to tens of thousands of dollars on the brand-name handbags here probably has a few thousand dollars to the price to buy, handbags are big fans a lot of entry-level option.

Charity supermarket built up 50,000 a year

The city currently has seven charity supermarkets, free of charge for area farmers for daily subsistence allowances, subject to minimum welcomes families. Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau of the person in charge a few days ago that St. encourage qualified charitable supermarket built.

There are currently seven charitable supermarket

In 2005, supermarket opened Wan City charity, which charities are among the first supermarkets in our city. By 2008, the charity supermarkets to city 7, Shilong, Liaobu, East, South, St. Wanjiang have emerged, such as charitable figure supermarket.

Supermarket opened at the beginning of these charities have been social organizations, enterprises and individuals support the community. Liaobu at the opening of the charity on the eve of the supermarket have received 1.60 million in donations, corporate donations more than 100,000 pieces of sweaters. The opening of the new charity will be the city of Supermarket 15 million in charitable assistance.

The supermarkets have their own characteristics

Each charity has its own supermarket and mode of operation of the rules and regulations. Charities such as Liaobu many supermarkets hope the community will donate less money and materials. The person in charge of the supermarkets that received the largest number of supermarkets donated items are clothes, or some old clothes. Because of too much focus on clothing, but the lack of other items. Therefore, the charitable community to donate money supermarket so that households under the minimum required to buy supplies.

Nancheng charity supermarket practice is the target donation prior communication with the well, to tell them what the supermarket. Nancheng PeiFang Liu Social Affairs Office, said both sides needed to do and do not up for.

No matter how charitable supermarket mode of operation, are provided free of charge to the families daily subsistence allowances. Liaobu charity supermarket in accordance with their ability to give each minimum monthly value of the object 20 to receive the donated items cards, supermarket Nancheng charitable objects are to each minimum monthly payment of the value of the donated items 30 to receive card.

Liaobu charitable person in charge of the supermarkets that are receiving low objects shampoo, toothpaste, rice, oil and other daily necessities, they think of their charitable supermarket to ease the burden of life.

50,000 yuan each year to support charitable supermarket

Charity set up in each supermarket, the city government to charity each year 5 million supermarket basic operating costs to ensure the normal operation of charitable supermarkets can prevent charity supermarket "nor food."

Street towns because of the economic environment is different from a number of supermarkets have less to donate items, but the whole is still able to maintain normal operation. It is estimated that each of seven charity supermarket operating costs of at least 400,000 yuan.

Second-hand consignment shop package

Often have to buy a LV handbag on million buy Hermes Birkin bag limit not only want to spend the equivalent of a small unit of money, have to book in advance ... ... 3 years once, Chengdu revenues and there is a large group of family love package continued the trend for a large number of hot pursuit "hit gold," Now, in the global financial crisis against the backdrop of the past, buyers have to lavish a rainy day,keep pocket, and even love packages begin to sell in exchange for more security people sense of cash ... ...
To deal with "financial crisis"

Chengdu beautiful love cash package

A few days ago, in a well-known enterprises in Hong Kong, Chengdu Branch of the job due to off-beauty Daisy-year leave and return to Chengdu sojourn. Fashion up to the people as her 29-year-old, is a standard GUCCI fans, she has more than 5 different styles GUCCI bag. Generous annual salary of fifty million of income for her never to worry about expensive, brand-name Crazy Shopping bag has become the greatest love of her spare time.

Earlier this year, bought a new Chanel bag was Daisy carry a 12 on the back of the closet on a corner, completely "into the place." At present, because she has a bag of the brand as much as 10, also reached the highest value of more than 20,000. However, beginning from the second half of this year, has been accustomed to using a variety of brand-name bags, she was "convergence" of many. Daisy told reporters, "Today the progress of the company's product development, marketing, sales, etc. are subject to the impact of last month to start my monthly salary has been reduced by 1 / 4, for the room pressure to bear at the same time, have to consider the food, communications, transportation and other daily expenses rise, so as in the past can no longer think of buy. but do not go much more inviting it is difficult, I intend to get some old new to change, or simply does not like to put some The package sold for cash to pay a fixed monthly beauty, hairdressing, as well as the fun back to Chengdu, accommodation, money and other expenses. "Daisy said that she has an" old Chengdu "contact friends, start looking for" selling packages "channels. "Now even buy luxury goods, will also appreciate the flexibility to consider the purchase of more space, faster appreciation of the brand-name watches."

Shanghai closed package stores:

Chengdu beauty packages busy recently sold

The survey found, according to journalist, Chengdu and Daisy have a large group of white-collar workers the same. Their own in order to alleviate the "financial crisis", from the previous "buy up" status into a "family pack for" through "between shops" for cash. However, because there is no such stores exist in Chengdu, Chengdu, many sellers only look at Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other coastal cities.

Yesterday, the reporter found one in Shanghai called "Zhonggu Campanulaceae" second package consignment stores, store, "the acquisition of specialized high-priced brand-name bags, watch and jewelry." According to Mr. Chen Introduction stores recently Chengdu has many beautiful women are in contact him, to do recycling, secondhand brand-name bag. But let him strangely, even though the current supply "super" rich, but not to some buyers, this is depressing him.

Chengdu cut open a luxury second-hand shop

The reporters also found that this phenomenon also in Chengdu, the luxury goods counters a "embarrassing" situation. Reporter visited the city in the gathering of several luxury high-end department stores found that a number of luxury goods counters of status has emerged. Counter sales of a luxury confirmed by the financial crisis, not only to new customers since Recently a significant decrease in reservations to come to the old limited edition products customers have seen the sun. "I know some old buyers are beginning to sell the bag. It is indeed difficult, but should not last long." The salesperson said optimistically.

Compared to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other coastal cities, luxury second-hand shop "Recycling" hot business reporter in Chengdu it is hard to find a similar "recovery" scenario, because Chengdu is not a luxury Recycling specializes in the sale of the shop. In this regard, Chengdu Administration of Industry and Commerce register is responsible for the supervision and management of a branch business license to the registered staff reporter explained that apart from the current second-hand Chengdu permit normal operation of motor vehicles, handbags, clothing and other daily necessities, all operators of second-hand jewelry strictly controlled. Second-hand luxury goods stores like to belong to banned.

Shirt sold for charity

Miriam Yeung overnight Executive to sell second-hand clothes shirt.

"Miriam Yeung limited department store Christmas" will be officially opened today, the shop is designed to buy clothes second-hand artists, including the possession of the shirt up to Miriam Yeung, Louis Koo, Kelly Chen also, Zhang Wyatt, Mark Lui, Miriam so yesterday by the thousand, Gu responsible for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and the price of a shirt from 30 to 20,000 yuan range, with a white Maomao Gu jacket and pants, to be regarded as store treasure, because wearing Gu has not been washed, can be said to be authentic, Gu fans do not miss.

Miriam thousand in order to sell the shirt, they found daylight, and they are all her own, very seriously, for one to be interested for environmental protection are two to three years because they can make are good, because there is part of the proceeds will be allocated to the go to "Society for Abandoned Animals." The question to her investment expensive? She said that at reasonable prices, for U.S. charities, was too expensive will not be admitted. This process, she learned a lot of things.

At first she worried that sales of men's are probably weak, because men's suits, Xian to have been ten thousand, but not before the official sale, there is a lot of enthusiastic employees to buy a lot of men's, so that her confidence. She also refers to the characteristics of the largest department stores is that we can bargain, bargain likes to meet some of the mentality of the people of Hong Kong.

Louis Koo provided a total of more than 300 pieces of clothes to department stores Miriam secondhand, many of the clothing in such a way, he said that should be the most expensive film "criminal investigation file" and "Genesis" of costumes, clothing more affixed above the name of drama, some fans that want these things to the occasion.

Louis Koo earlier secret meeting means there is Albert Yeung, a great opportunity to join the King's, to confirm him, he did admit and have met each other, there is not yet implement. In addition to King, the Chinese stars have also intended to refer to him LAW Chi's? He said, "I only know that dumping all tight, in fact, the best magazine under question, I know all the parties. (Whether it will be renewed TVB?) TVB Department of preferred course, but my family Front line will not see money, or other conditions-based, the most critical health department, there is no healthy body, into anything. "