
Consignment used cars

Second-hand cars secondhand, Gu Fushigi name, that is entrusted to put second-hand car used cars for sale brokers a way.
Secondhand currently has three forms:
First, on its own pricing model. That is, by the consumer on their own pricing, commissioned on behalf of merchants to sell, wait until the transaction after the payment of commission;
Pay Type two are secondary. It is paid by the first part of the cost of business, wait until after closing to pay the balance, commission on profits in proportion to the set;
Three cycles are secondhand type. Its way from business to the owners are committed to the transaction cycle, the price determined by the two sides, while the commission was closing time and volume of transactions to set a double standard.
At present, the "second-hand car circulation management" has been on the used car brokers used car intermediary intermediary to carry out operations in the specification. Abroad has also implemented several car dealers secondhand way.
Second-hand cars secondhand advantages:
First, Price sold high. Used-car market if sold to brokerage firms, or in replacement when a new car sold to 4S stores, the acquirer must ensure that 10% of the Price Difference, as operating profit, the gross margin level in the retail industry is not high, but For the general public is concerned, the sale prices to their market certainly lower than 10%, while secondhand is sold to end users through intermediaries, high prices by more than 10%, meaning that a 10 million second-hand cars, at least be able to sell more than 1 million yuan to attract a large part, therefore want to sell high-value customer base.
Two, the process transparent. Before the car sold directly to brokerage firms, brokerage firms in order to make more difference, for the purchase price and market price are used as commercial secrets, ordinary consumers understand that the real market is difficult. And secondhand way, the intermediary side just emerged as the client received a fixed commission, market transparency can only be beneficial to have reached an intermediary acts, so the intermediary side Essentially there is a spontaneous initiative to publish the real market. The rapid development of the Internet, but also from an objective second-hand car market makes up more and more open and transparent.
Three, low fees. Developed over the past two years to do some post-secondary secondhand second-hand car companies, has changed the previous charge exorbitant fees secondhand way of doing business.卓杰line such as the success of each car sold only 500-1,000 yuan after the intermediary fees, the average transaction amount of less than 1%, compared to give customers value car negligible, so a lot of people smart car selection of this approach. In addition, these companies because there is a greater guarantee of trading volume, in some other items of fees and charges on the transfer market can get concessions, the price was significantly lower than the individual agents directly to the market for. Save a lot of models under the optical transfer fees can be offset secondhand fees, and for users in terms of the seller the equivalent of the cost of secondhand 0.
Four, to sell fast. Before the first car a lot of people to know the market, generally through the newspapers, the Internet and even in small street-side ads and so on, then go second-hand car market or 4S shop to compare each of the purchase price, and sometimes a market run two Three times, the Beijing market, as well as several comparison 4S shop down a small run 4,5 times, many dozens of times, from the beginning to the end there is intention to sell at least 12 weeks, while many have one or two months, during which market has undergone tremendous changes possible. The use of secondhand way, vehicles placed in the used-car market in the exhibition hall, together with the network promotion, every day could be seen many buyers, but also more powerful second-hand car intermediary company car many sources, put together scale would produce a certain effect, which combined economics surcharge on said scale are the core of an efficient market the value of utility theory. Only in a highly efficient market to make their own merchandise faster and higher prices.
Friday, the process hassle free. Consumers are a lot of first car, neither know nor understand the rules of the market prices, it's easy to pay tuition fees, such as this does not put its own mismanagement of the matter to the professional staff to do, it is consistent with the market economy the law of development, they have a professional sales force, some companies have a strong network to promote the strength, this is the power of individuals that can not be attained.
Six, a flexible trading process. Secondhand process in accordance with market changes and the specific circumstances of the buyer, real-time communication with the seller to determine marketing strategies.
Seven, rest assured that the transfer procedures. Transactions between individuals, it is possible to both sides do not bother locking the transfer of know procedures, the two sides spent time and energy. Running冤枉路still small, if there is a leak do lead to very serious consequences for both sides. By secondhand traded on the different ways in ensuring the high-priced second-hand car at the same time there is an intermediary agent transfer procedures, save time and manpower worry, the two sides and bound by a contract, in case there are problems, but also very easy to resolve.
Things have double-sided nature of secondhand second-hand car is no exception. Its shortcomings are:
First, the owner must be submitted to the taxi company car, which is equivalent to their own vehicles must be placed for some time, give up the right to use a period of time.
Two, after the vehicle placed in the car dealers, if the condition changes, such as which parts were for the package or scratching the body was found later, as owners, it is not easy to identify. Therefore, we must select reputable secondhand car dealers.
Third, prices are often up in the hands of the taxi companies, and not necessarily a fair price comparison.
Although secondhand second-hand car has less than the above, but its still a better car the way for car owners want to here give a few suggestions:
First, select reputable secondhand car dealers;
Two, determining the best price please professional appraisers to assess;
Three, secondhand cycles should not be too long;
Four, at fees up砍价with the car dealers;
Friday, the contract on secondhand car dealers must be identified with the delivery you are of good condition and avoid any cars to sell, they discover later that the condition to change.

This article comes from http://www.jimai.cn/news_channel/showdetail.asp?n_id=204

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