
20,000 investment secondhand shop opened a month female white-collar income 3000

New consumption concept of the birth of a new sales model. Weiwei foreign staff at the network on chemicals found in secondhand stores personal idle very popular, but little capital, the key is to have a certain degree of supply. Wei-wei is a shopaholic, who also has a large economic base, better consumer Tatsu people, which she guaranteed sources of supply.

Wei-wei was in Chongqing last year opened a similar shop, initially only two million start-up capital, after six months of careful management, this store is currently a monthly turnover of more than 20,000 at all.

Foreign staff of part-time boss

Wei-Wei is a staff of foreign-funded enterprises, the income is stable and abundant. At the same time working for others, Wei-wei has been want to own a shop of their own. "My savings is only tens of thousands of block, so only a smaller selection of items. In addition, it is not my intention to resign from his job, so the management of the selected items should not be too complicated." Wei-wei said that she was originally intended that at opened a private office clothing store, but too much competition in clothing stores, also need to purchase a significant amount of time and money, compared to open a secondhand shop in the input will be much smaller. June 2007, Wei-wei's "new love Ningbo" secondhand shop on the game at Jiefangbei Nagel hotel officially opened. Renovation costs and the cost of buying furniture, Weiwei initial investment only 20,000 yuan.

Fees charged secondhand goods

"Secondhand shops are selling goods on behalf of on behalf of customers, from the laptop, jewelry to clothing, bags, souvenirs and so on, both the old and the new high or low, anything can be secondhand." Weiwei introduction, secondhand items and pricing from the secondhand shop secondhand after the two sides to negotiate, commissioned after the goods sold by the seller to pay 10 ~ 30% of the fee to the secondhand shop. If secondhand items can not be sold within one month, the contact person to return secondhand secondhand goods, or to lower the rates continue to sell.

"Secondhand shop secondhand sourcing from people, which reduces the amount of capital input important. At present, I only store on the main overhead of rent and the salaries of their employees." Wei-wei said that her current monthly turnover in the two million, net income at around 5000-6000, after deducting the rent of 1,000 yuan and the wages of a salesperson's 900 yuan, secondhand line per month for her income 3-4000.
Tatsu people to provide a stable "source"

It is understood that, Chongqing previously held several sporadic secondhand stores, but they are not opened soon to close down the. "Sources are the most critical problem, especially when just opening, in the absence of sufficient items to produce 'Amoy treasure' feeling, it is difficult to gather Popularity." Wei-wei said that there is a crowd around them shopaholic friends, and these higher-income people are the city elite group, they each have a lot of idle people brand clothing, and even some not even cut tag.

"Secondhand shop customers often buyers. At where they can buy a low price fashion brand products, can sell their unused goods, so stores open longer, a fixed source and the source also Yue-wang. "Weiwei introduce, in addition, current customers Weiwei further expanded: to help the network entity on the sale of the seller; assist the entity has just closed shop sales尾货.

Expenditure scores

Store decoration: 1 million

Furniture furnishings: 5000 yuan

One computer Units: 3,500 yuan

Salesperson's salary: 900 RMB / month

Utilities: 200 yuan / month

Rent: 1000 RMB / month


Do not need the street location of the window, you can rent office space in an apartment as a store. However, because of their services for white-collar workers and city staff, so the office where the store must be located in commercial centers Popularity concentration, preferably a higher concentration of office lots.

Integrity secondhand goods difficult to identify sources and quality. Weiwei so secondhand for all people of good faith set up files, send refuse sale of counterfeits and imitations. In addition, Wei-wei also require the customer to purchase land to provide accurate information and time, and secondhand goods to set up a detailed file.

Expert advice

Can not open a single store chain expansion

Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences, Wang, director of corporate mold, said that with economic development, continuous improvement of social life is bound to produce some big companies can not serve the industry, which is generated by small businesses is bound to the background. Secondhand shop is such a new industry, it can satisfy some specific group of people or new consumer demand for services.

Wang Wei-wei die for the secondhand stores give four suggestions:

1. Secondhand stores such as small businesses to identify market positioning and industry positioning. Before opening at clearly must know this industry has little market, the economic region where there is no similar industry.

2. After the opening must pay attention to detail of the operation. Secondhand shops are still service-oriented industries, if the management can easily inadvertently let the loss of customers, resulting in a loss.

3. Secondhand stores to meet new market needs, conditions are ripe, could be considered at different places to open stores in order to expand its operations, but not large-scale single-store operators.

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