
Cost-effective second-hand cars secondhand uneconomical

Miss Zhao want to buy a new car recently opened, but how to deal with the hands of car opened nearly 10 years of Santana 2000 is a difficult question indeed. Brokerage firm to sell it, although the province of thing, it is difficult to sell a good price; their own children at home find it, and since I do not know where to find. Yesterday, reporter learned from the Asian Games Village auto market was informed that from the beginning of this month, sub-city of some second-hand car dealers will offer used car secondhand Service, on behalf of car owners did not sell, no charge.

卓杰trip is the first introduction of second-hand car dealer secondhand one Service. Bing Yuan is responsible for its introduction of the Human secondhand procedures: If the owner intends to secondhand second-hand car can stop by the company based in Asia trading city hall, where there is a professional assessment of condition of vehicles division to conduct a comprehensive inspection report issued by certification and to the owners of such second-hand car prices history, for its information. If secondhand successful transaction costs over a 5 million卓杰will charge 1,000 yuan for each vehicle secondhand fee; if the transaction price is lower than the 5 million will be charged 500 yuan per vehicle. The event did not sell卓杰owners will be reimbursed for travel expenses 50, and vehicles to get a weekly auction of second-hand car auction. After the success of the auction, secondhand fee will be charged half the commission, not sold, no charge.

Prior to sub-city has been secondhand second-hand car business had more than half a year of small-scale pilot projects, a total of more than 200 owners successfully sold second-hand car. Asia City Manager Guo Yong information that the individual sold the car used car brokerage firm is a "person of the company (ie, C2B)" behavior, while second-hand car brokers usually earn 10% of the price as profit, thus the seller would not be too cost-effective; In contrast, second-hand car secondhand is a "person-to-person (that is, C2C)" trade practices, eliminating the middle aspect that allows the seller to maximize the implementation of benefits, from the past in the secondary car transactions a weak position. Of the buyer is concerned, because there is an assessment of professional bodies, took the check, can be avoided to buy seemingly good condition, but in reality "internal" serious camouflage vehicles.

Secondhand second-hand car dealer is not without benefits for.贾新光auto industry experts said that at the end of new car prices fell rapidly, reduced the profitability of second-hand car space, also increased the risk of car dealers in land; and the acquisition of second-hand car dealers sell more funds will occupy, once a long time can not be sold, there is probably a loss. "For dealers, the second-hand cars secondhand strategy is also a kind of small profits but quick turnover." Mr. Xinguang Jia said.

1 comment:

  1. This is really a nice post.There are many second hand cars in good condition .
