
Consignment shop coming out for the first time Beijing

Beijing residents in the pawn shop's "must become" a keen interest in items when at Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places popular secondhand line quietly coming out of Beijing. Recently, reporter learned that secondhand line pass宝瑞Beijing has recently opened in line with the pawn different secondhand line rather than through "when the" goods access to financing, but on behalf of customers on behalf of selling goods, merchandise sold at after the line according to the provisions of secondhand the proportion of charges, and the remaining money to secondhand persons.

In this way, go enjoy Amoy pawn shop when the goods the customer must have a new place Taobao, want their own hand idle secondhand articles of personal use or business has been sold on behalf of an intermediary. This allows us to explore the way to go and see this new mode of operation has nothing unique about it.

Used digital, the list can be secondhand

"Secondhand business has just opened, prior to Beijing because of the scale there is no secondhand into line, a lot of preparatory work required." Yesterday, the Beijing宝瑞pass line secondhand responsible person disclosed to reporters, the company has been engaged in secondhand business qualification, however, because the business has just begun, so some rules are also developed.

Identity reporter asked people to secondhand secondhand宝瑞pass line staff was informed that the current secondhand business can handle, people can be secondhand with ID card and need to secondhand goods to the store requested staff to assess secondhand lines give a suggestion Price, after the consent of the customer determine the pricing and work with secondhand secondhand Bank signed the contract, then the article should be entrusted to secondhand sales line. The North Road, Chaoyang branch line secondhand who said that if the items sold, the sale prices of secondhand line charge of about 10% of the fee, if time is not for sale must go out, the host is to recover the goods, or re-pricing.

It is understood that Mr platinum jewelry, diamond jewelry Chui, watch, camera and photographic equipment, electrical and high-grade instruments, IT products, etc. can all be secondhand goods category. Qualcomm宝瑞secondhand responsible person told the reporter that pawn line's core business is to help SMEs to raise funds, sell when the goods can not pawn the main business lines, and sales of secondhand goods firms are the main business, if not when the goods interested in secondhand line is a better place for Taobao.

田玉成the first batch of four million yuan and secondhand goods

Qualcomm宝瑞reporter visited the main store when the pawn line, just in time to catch up with the first batch of secondhand goods into the shop to identify the division to carry out inspection of secondhand goods, and one into the counter Yi Bai. It is learned that the visit to the secondhand value from Xinjiang are a total of 400 million and Tian, hosts want to secondhand lines through low-cost mass-market.

"To secondhand items, we will carry out a detailed appraisal, and to give every quality of an item identification instructions. Also because of the cost of a reduction of channels, where the prices will lower than the market price." Relevant person in charge said.

Secondhand around the multi-line business

It is understood that some cities in the south, secondhand Bank has developed a more sophisticated, is also very diversified business. In addition to the list, jewelry endures old furniture, antique calligraphy and painting, and so on are secondhand clothing line common items. Secondhand idle except personal items, the merchant's season and the backlog of goods, are often obtained secondhand store.

Wuxi residents who said the trip to Wuxi secondhand mostly jewelry, gold necklaces, diamond rings, jade bracelets have, but also a best-selling jade. There are some buyers are specialized to buy gold, because gold prices here lower than outside shopping malls. "Although some people do not like to buy old things, but there are also good goods Amoy know people will buy old gold cheap go home, re-playing what became the new style." He said.
Secondhand sell admission fees again.
It is understood that the Bank and the pawning secondhand essentially different line, customers are to be secondhand or thrift to secondhand merchandise line based on the merchandise新旧程度and quality, by both collegiate prices, commissioned by the customer shops, formal lines of secondhand should have its own sales counters. Merchandise sold, the trust store to charge a fee in accordance with the provisions of the proportion of the remaining money to secondhand persons. Secondhand line play are for the customers to sell goods on behalf of roles.

The pawn line is based on commercial services as a means to pledge or mortgage of property for the period paid for borrowing the premise of the special industrial and commercial enterprises. The two most obvious signs are: secondhand secondhand goods are sold at only after the charges, otherwise, free of charge. The act of pawning pawning happen as long as there are charges.

In fact, the newly established Qualcomm宝瑞secondhand business is a separate application.

According to Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Public Security in February 9, 2005 United promulgated "pawn management approach", pawn line as a supplementary means of financing, the register is very high capital requirements (the registered capital to 500 million yuan). Pawn line start-up Ministry of Commerce and other departments to go through stringent vetting procedures, but also accept day-to-day inspections and very strict examined.

And as a second-hand purchase of the franchise industry, secondhand firms and other industries, reduce the access threshold, enterprises as long as there is a few thousand dollars can be registered at the Trade and Industry Department. It is worth noting that simply should not engage in secondhand line are pawning business, otherwise we would have violated regulations.

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